1] What were you doing Feb 14th?
Babysitting a nine year old with my friend Jen and watching Thank You For Smoking. It was all very romantic.
2] What kind of cell do you have?
A slippy slidey black one.
3] Color socks you wore today?
One blue, one black. I never match. Well, rarely.
4] How many Harry Potter books do you own?
I have one. The first one. I have never read it though.
5] Paper: College ruled or Wide lined?
I don't know what that means. If it means tiny blocks like French exercise books or normal lines, then I choose the normal lines. Everytime.
6] Do you have a digital camera?
Yes, I do. And very nice it is too.
7] Do you have a job?
No. But I have had. I wasn't enamoured by it.
8] What color is your jacket?
9] Does it snow where you live?
On occasion.
10] Ever see a ghost?
No. But once I thought I got felt up by one. It was a horrible experience but I think it may just have been a bad blend of too much drink and an open window. Sarah Green need not be alerted.
11] Do you keep your movie tickets?
If the film and night was nice, then yes.
12] How many phone numbers do you have on your phone?
No idea.
13] Who was your last text from?
14] Who's your #1 on myspace?
James I think.
15] Do you have a yellow shirt?
No. I would look horrible in a yellow shirt.
16] What month is it?
17] You ever lit a match?
18] Can you start a fire?
20] Is your bedroom window facing south?
Ugh I have no idea.
21] Current crush?
Ian I guess, though I think we're past the crush stage.
22] You have an older brother?
No I don't. Who told you that?
23] Have you ever STARTED a food fight?
Maybe. Not sure.
24] Can you walk in High Heels?
Yes. Many times Moira would swap shoes with me on the walk home and I'd stagger home in them. So maybe walk is a bit generous. I can walk like I've soiled myself in heels. That's better.
25] Collect anything?
No, actually. I don't anymore.
26] Steve or Joe?
Joe. Very nice he is too.
27] Aren't penguins awesome?
They're alright. A bit overindulged with the making of March of the Penguins though. They're not my favouraite cold animal.
28] Who'd miss you most if you died?
God, what a horrible think to answer. And so I won't because it's tempting fate.
29] Do you own a scarf?
30] Bald or Fat?
31] What color is the blanket on your bed?
Brown. From design, not accident.
32] Do you have an orange ball?
33] Ever been snowboarding?
Nope. I would probably fall and break myself.
34] Ever seen a starfish?
35] Can you juggle?
36] Do you tear open your gifts?
No. I hate seeing people do that. It makes me think of You've been Framed when they have nasty kids screaming, 'THAT'S NOT THE ONE I WANTED!'
37] Mittens or gloves?
Gloves. I hate mittens, they're so restricting.
38] What's the longest Halloween candy has lasted with you?
Hmmm, I don't think I have ever had much halloween candy so no answer for that one.
39] You're wearing pj's arent you?
No I'm not. So accusing.
40] Fly or laser vision?
I don't know what fly vision is. Do you mean seeing everything loads of times? That would proably make me sick. So laser vision.
41] Looking back- what was your least favorite school year?
Year 9 I think at St Bedes though I can't think why.
42] Ever answered a phone that wasn't yours?
43] Hit anyone with a cart lately?
Ha ha, no. A car, yes. A cart, no. I'm joking by the way...
44] Where did you work last year?
Avery's Wine Merchants. It was good fun and I made a lot of friends there.
45] How was your last birthday?
Good. I went for a meal, then for a dance.
46] Last song you heard?
Nelly Furtado - Sat it Right.
47] Who WONT repost this?
James and others.
48] Roses or carnations?
49] Last person you yelled at?
One of those bouncers from last night. What a bizarre time. More details to follow.
50] Italian or Mexican?
Mexican, though both have their appeal.
51] Ever eat an entire can of frosting?
No, I don't have a very sweet tooth.
52] Strange belief as a child?
That I had a brother called Daniel who was in a war. My sister said I shouldn't mention it to my parents because they would get upset, so for weeks I thought I had another sibling when in reality the only one I had was filling my mind with rubbish. Thanks Sara!
53] Favorite candy?
Hmm, probablycola bottles.
54] How old were you when you learned to read?
I have no idea.
55] Who was your last phone call?
Dialled or received? Dialled - Sophie, received - Devi.
56] Last time you had a headache?
Last week sometime.
57] First car?
Citroen Saxo. It was very nice until some deaf man crashed into it and it was written off.
58] Do you have barbies?
59] Whats on your bedroom walls?
A calendar, a canvas painting and my degree certificate.
60] Do you own anything sharp?
Yes, scissors and the like.
61] Whats the first word you think of when you hear- lake?
62] What color is your watch?
I don't have one. But I was planning to get one this year. How distracted I have been...
63] Ever been pushed off something?
I can't remember. Karma pushed me down a muddy slope recently though. Not nice.
64] Last time you were hyper?
Yesterday after a G and T and handing two chapters in.
65] Any plans for tonight?
I'm probably going to be working on my feature and novel. I might watch a film. Maybe Live Flesh or All About My Mother.