I just know that I can't bear to see any more of these wretched grinning faces.
I'm not the most tolerant person in the world. I'll be the first to admit that. Lots of people's face and voices annoy me and I'd rather eat my own face than be stuck with someone who talks about themselves more than they ask questions.
But my intolerance reached an ugly peak in the last week or two. The reason? The millions of posters persuading me to vote for someone to be Student Union president. Now, when I was doing my undergraduate course, things like this were around too but they never bothered me. And so I don’t know why these posters and flyers annoy me so much but they do. I think it's because none of them actually say anything! They're all the same. They say: Vote for XXXX and have a nice picture of the person in question. But they give you no reason as to vote. For all I know I could be voting for a Neo-Nazi. And that would not be good. I think they get on my nerves too because they're just an ego boost for the people in the running. They just seem to like the idea of being voted for and I bet they haven’t even thought of what they would do if they were voted. Nothing will change whoever wins, I bet. Maybe I'm being cynical, do you think? I don’t know. I just know that I can't bear to see any more of these wretched grinning faces. Ugh, the most offensive one is this really smug looking guy whose posters have him stood in front of Honk Kong. What relevance is that to a campaign?
I know I'm being really sensitive about the smugness of people but I can't help it. I know people can't help the way they look. But they can help putting their picture all around the campus. If you have a smug face, you don’t do that. Especially if you’re running for president. You want to make people like you surely, not think you're a complete twat. Oh, maybe it's just me. But having spoken to other people, they seem equally annoyed at the lack of information these posters have on them. Not annoyed by the faces though, disappointingly.
Right, rant over. Moving on. I have written the basic skeleton for my first chapter which is fifteen pages at the moment which I'm kind of happy with. I still need to send at least two chapters to Derrek by Saturday which is a little scary BUT it will get done.
So there we go, I'm going to finish on that note and head off home. I'm meant to go to Asda tonight but I don't know if I can face it. There's always a guarantee of miserable faces there.
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