Well yes actually, it is all about me.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

'Are our morals slipping?'

Well, today has been educational so far to say the least. I have been researching a feature, 'Are our morals slipping?' focusing on the scavengers at Branscombe beach earlier in the year. I didn't realise until recently that some of the goods in the containers belonged to individuals. I'd thought that they were retail stock. Not that that makes the theft of them any better. Anyway, I found on the BBC website that there was a woman who saw her belongings being stolen on the beach. This made me wonder why the people who were taking any of the things thought that their actions were any different to stealing from a shop because, in essence, the two actions aren't very far apart. So today I have been looking at books about group psychology and the need to own material items. It's interesting and I'm enjoying it but I don't have long to get the piece written so I'm going to head home soonish and start the actual writing.

Right, on that note, off I go. Will write again soon.



Blogger miss-cellany said...

Hey there Mr Tullberg, not only do I think your blog is top of the stick, I've linked you. Hurrah.
One day you may be a famous blog-artiste, will you still do gin o'clock with us please?

2:39 PM  
Blogger miss-cellany said...

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2:39 PM  

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