Sonic is quite a speedy game to keep up with with a hangover.
First day back in the job I had before I went to Falmouth and it felt like I was never away, in a good way I mean. It was really nice to see everyone and just be able to slip back into things.
Anyway, I haven't written for a few days now but, to be honest, there isn't too much to say. I think I last wrote on Thursday after I had stayed up for hours writing that piece about the Mum whose daughter goes missing. So, yeah, Friday I stayed in the house all day and did lots of work and then went to Frea's in the evening to do Sing Star and play Scrabble. She won at both and I was out-Whitney'd on Sing Star by her boyfriend, Andy. Other than being the loser of the night, it was a great time. I couldn't believe it though when I looked at the time. I thought it must be about 12am or something, looked at the clock and it was 3.30am! Not long after that I fell asleep/passed out on the sofa after a few glasses of wine and champagne cocktails. It was a really nice evening.
In the morning I woke up because the sun was shining right on my face. Horrible. I went into the kitchen and then played Sonic on the PlayStation with Frea's son, Oz. That was a nice way to wake up but we ended up playing the same level about seven times so after a while I started feeling a bit sick. Sonic is quite a speedy game to keep up with with a hangover I have learnt.
So after that I headed home and jumped in the shower to make me feel like I only had the one layer of skin, (I always wake up feeling like I have a horrible alcohol-based film over my skin when I wake up with a hangover). Then I went down to meet Kath in Falmouth and start Christmas shopping which was painful to say the least. I managed to find a few decent things for people, but the whole process was a bit hectic. The town was busy and I just wasn't in the mood to be buying things. I ended up feeling like I was just wandering aimlessly so in the end I bought a bottle of Baileys and headed home to watch Crash on DVD and finish reading Catcher in the Rye.
I woke up on Sunday feeling like I didn't want to get up. Not because I had drunk a horrible amount, but because I knew I had so much to do. I packed my stuff up to come back to Bristol, cleaned the house, made sure the heating was all set so that the house wouldn't dissolve and then had to race my stuff to the car before someone blocked me in. I then got just out of Penryn before I realised I had left keys in the house so had to drive back. After that though, the journey was pretty straight forward.
So there we have it. That has been my life for the past few days. The next few days will be busy too. I am working till the end of the week, need to do more Christmas shopping, am going to the theatre on Friday night and London on Saturday. Oh it's Christmas madness!
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