Well yes actually, it is all about me.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I just had that really horrible thing when you're so desperate for the toilet you use the disabled one because the other is engaged. This, in itself, isn’t so bad. But having to open the door and walk out is always awkward. I always think someone will be there looking at me accusingly asking, 'Do you have the right to use that facility?' So far, touch wood, this has never happened.

Anyway, since I last wrote things have been busy as it's the end of term. Good busy, not manic busy. Today in class was a good experience. We all had to email our tutor with a short story on the stimulus - Metamorphosis. He then put them all together and we read them out loud then gave feedback. After everyone was finished we had to guess whose was whose, which was fun and a couple of people managed to guess mine.

And now, as a celebration of the end of term we are heading down to 5 Degrees West to have a late lunch and some drinks. I'm looking forward to it and am limiting my drink intake (my drintake if you like) since I am driving back to Bristol tomorrow and can't be hungover. I have appointed Jenny to be my drink monitor and I am returning the favour.

On that note, I'm off to let my hair down. Hair which, as of tomorrow, will be tamed once again after a long needed trip to the hair dressers.



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