I could scream.
I just spent about 3 hours working on my website and for some reason it's now in a worse state than it was when I started. None of it fits properly; the menu options have all disappeared and the colours aren't changing. I'm so annoyed. What a waste of an afternoon. Still, I did my laundry and finished off my assignment for the week which I'm pleased with but still, that bloody website programme. Obviously, it's the programme's fault not mine for not knowing what the hell I'm doing. Well, hopefully I will be able to sort things out in class tomorrow. I might hang around and sit in the second groups class too to see if I can get some help. Ugh, it's just so annoying though; I could scream.
Anyway, aside from that I'm OK. I went to an open mic night last night with some friends which was really nice. The music and the atmosphere was great and it was a lovely way to end the weekend.
Yesterday I had a text from Jenny asking if I wanted to meet in 5 Degrees West for a pint and to read the Sunday papers. Having just bought The Independent, I thought, 'Yes, why not,' so text back saying I would be there soon. I headed down but Jenny was not to be seen so I gave her a call. It turned out she had sent the text about an hour and a half before I got it and just assumed I was busy which makes sense. But where do texts go when they haven't been sent? It's so bizarre? Are they just floating through the air waiting to land on someone's face/let/ear? Are they stuck behind the battery in the phone? Where are they, and what are they doing? Oh, questions, questions and I don't have any answers, in regards to that at least.
Anyway, I did have a point and I lost it. Oh yes, so I sat and read the paper and read about how Lindsay Lohan is going into rehab and meerkats are the new penguins (the two stories aren't linked) and I had a really nice hour or so to myself. I know I could have just read the paper in the house but it doesn't really feel the same. I think it's nice to make an event of something, even if it's just a small one. And besides, to get on with work I find it better if I have a bit of time out of the house.
That story about the meerkats was weird though. It was all about how meerkats are going to be in a new film in the style of March of the Penguins. It sounds nice and all but I think penguins are a safer bet. They definitely have more festive appeal. In fact I wouldn't even know which season meerkats would be most set to have a box office hit on their hands/paws? Summer? Maybe? They look like Summer kind of creatures. They could make a meerkat mission impossible. Or a meerkat Bond? I think that it's more probable though, as the article pointed out, that it would be a documentary about the beasts and their living conditions. Which is still nice. And cheaper for the special effects. And probably not so likely to land the film-makers in trouble with animal rights as a meerkat Bond would.
Also in The Independent was a really good piece by Janet Street Porter about Chris Tarrant. I didn't know much about his recent affair but I feel I have caught up to date with it now. I can't believe how ridiculous his claims have been since he was found out. He hasn't apologised by the sounds of it and is instead justifying his actions by saying it's something men do. How stupid is this man? He just sounds completely archaic with statements like this. If he wanted any respect form his family or the public that are his audience he should have, as Janet stated, put his hands up and said sorry. It annoys me when people say things like, 'Oh, it's a man thing,' or 'Oh, it's a woman thing.' In this case; no it isn't a man thing but a sign of someone who doesn't know what they want in life; and this can be as common in men as it is women. I don't know, it's just silly that someone as much in the public eye as he is believes that he would never be found out. But, saying that, maybe that was part of the thrill.
Anyway, I am going home now so will write again tomorrow.
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