Well yes actually, it is all about me.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Bloody Sunday Express.

I can't believe what I just saw on TV. Kath and I were watching X Factor when the commercial breaks came on and, in between an advert for Argos and Orange mobile phones, there was an advert for the Sunday Express blasting out a cheery, 'New Maddie Suspect.' How bad is that?

A second before we were being told how cheap Argos were doing a combi-TV and DVD player for this Christmas, then being sold the sensationalism of the Madeline McCann story in a way just as blatant. It was horrible. I know that the whole thing has been a massive news story since it broke in May, but it's gone beyond that and now it's become a misery marketing commodity for newspapers that have no interest in the people or truth involved.

I understand that a newspaper is a profit making business just like any other, but the advert I saw tonight just made me feel a bit sick.

Anyway, that's the entirety of this blog entry. And that is that.



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