Well yes actually, it is all about me.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

There's no good line in this post to use here. Sorry.

Right, this has to be quick or else I will actually fall asleep at my desk. I need to get to bed and read my book but wanted to get something on here before then.

So, today I went into town with my friend Laura which was alright, busy but bearable. One upsetting thing though was that when we were in Ann Summers we saw two kids who must have been about 11 looking at the dildos and porn. I don't know how they managed to get in since there is a 'bouncer' at the door. Horrible.

Anyway, I came home with a new pair of trousers and a couple of shirts, and got on with some work. I tackled that piece I was moaning about yesterday, the one about the record. I've now decided to write it in a first person perspective which I think gives it more style and, since we are seeing everything through one character's eyes anyway, makes more sense. I am happier with it now but think I need to develop the character of Greg more. I think something needs to be going on in his life that is reflected in the old man/the opposite of what the old man is going through. I'm going to think about that tonight and hopefully have some ideas by tomorrow. I really need to get it finished soon. I feel better about it though. I like the idea behind the piece but the way it's written I'm not so keen on. It doesn't seem to have as much voice as my other pieces. BUT this has happened before, I just need to work through it.

Other than that, today has been kind of uneventful. I got a bit panicked earlier about my work placements and have decided to spend tomorrow morning emailing magazines hoping for a response. I also need to look into going to London at the end of next week. OK, now I'm just rambling. I need to go to bed.

Oh, but watch this. It's Amy Winehouse singing drunk with Charlotte Church Michael Jackson's 'Beat It'. Good old Amy. I love her.



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