Well yes actually, it is all about me.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I don't think it's very good form to be rude to the only nude on the room.

So I'm back from another nudey Tuesday evening and, because I've done it a few time now, I think I might have gone through my whole repertoire of poses: hands on hips, hands behind head, sitting, kneeling, arms folded, arms by sides. I spent the whole time worrying that I'd hear and angry voice from behind me, 'YOU DID THAT ONE LAST TIME,' but no one said anything and, to be honest, I don't think it's very good form to be rude to the only nude on the room. That's my view, anyway.

Oh, while I'm on the subject of nudity, why do I go to the washroom to get changed afterwards? Doesn't that seem completely backwards? I spend two and a half hours naked in front of these people, and then excuse myself to put my clothes on. Silly Skullers.

Anyway, for the rest of the day during which I was mainly clothed, I have been pretty productive and have finished a mammoth Chapter Seven that's teetering at 8000 words. I need to start cutting it down but, because I've spent the last couple of days on it, need a bit of distance and have started re-reading from the very beginning. It's amazing what stands out on each read. So many passive sentences, so many parts that can be embellished, and a dog that I keep forgetting exists. I'm starting to think the dog might have to go. Apart from a nice little metaphor about letting sleeping dogs lie, dog isn't contributing much at all. She is not pulling her weight, just settling at people's feet when I remember her, and probably languishing in a corner when I don’t. I feel it's time to kill another darling before she dies from literary neglect.

Right, so that's that. I have to get into bed RIGHT NOW before I fall asleep on the keyboard and wake up with indents on my forehead. Never a good look. No, no.



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