Well yes actually, it is all about me.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

'Gay parents better than care homes.'

Hmm, I just read in The Sun a column with the title, 'Gay parents better than care homes.' It's almost as if they left the, 'but only just,' off the end of the sentence.

Obviously it's better for children to grow up in a home with loving parent/s as opposed to a care home where they are more likely to be seen as just a number. I don't know why this column irked me so much. I think it's partly to do with the fact that The Sun has recently tried to become a reformed character with it's no tolerance attitude to racism in the light of Celebrity Big Brother. However it's still in the dark ages when it comes to homosexuality. But then why am I surprised when said newspaper printed the headline, 'Elton takes Furnish up the aisle,' when Elton John got married to David Furnish last year or the year before, I don't remember. I think it just goes to show that something like The Sun is keen to jump on the bandwagon of whatever everyone agrees with. Everyone felt disgusted at Jade et al's behaviour on Big Brother, so The Sun backed this up. They clearly have no real feeling for what they are printing.

Right, I can't write anymore, I have so much work to do and I feel like I have no time.



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